Download Transformers Revenge of the Fallen, Become the ultimate Autobot or Decepticon in TRANSFORMERS: REVENGE OF THE FALLEN, the official game of one of 2009’s biggest blockbuster films. Unleash your power to determine the fate of Earth as the ultimate war rages across the globe. Every second counts as you experience TRANSFORMERS like never before! Set a few years after the defeat of Megatron in the first game/movie, Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen reveals that the threat from the Decepticons is in fact, far from ended. Since the time of the epic and apparently not so final battle between the two Transformer leaders, Decepticons have started popping up again all over Earth in alarming numbers. And now, a mysterious object from space seems destined to shift the balance of power and give the upper hand to the Decepticons.
Minimum Requirements :
- Operating System: Windows 7 / 8 / 10 / 11 – 64BIT
- Processor: Intel Core Quad Core CPU 2.0GHz+
- Memory: 4 GB
- Video Card:NVIDIA GeForce 8600/9600GT, ATI/AMD Radeon HD2600/3600
- Sound Card: DirectX 11
- HDD Space: 5GB
Recommended Requirements :
- Operating System: Windows 7 / 8 / 10 / 11 – 64BIT
- Processor: Intel® Core™ i5-4670K @3.4 GHz / AMD FX-8350 @4.0 GHz
- Memory: 8 GB
- Video Card: Nvidia GeForce GTX 1080 | AMD Radeon HD 6870
- Sound Card: DirectX 11
- HDD Space: 5GB
Title | : | Transformers Revenge of the Fallen |
Genre | : | Action, Adventure, Shooter |
Developer | : | Luxoflux, Savage Entertainment |
Publisher | : | Vicarious Visions, Beenox, Krome Studios |
Release | : | Jun 24, 2009 |
File Size | : | 6.06 GB |
Format | : | GAME PC |
Download | : | Mediafire | Single Link |
- Klik shortcut tujuan download, Pilih block dan tunggu 5 detik.

2. Setelah muncul SKIP AD (seperti gambar), pilih block dan klik SKIP AD. (Jika muncul tab baru, anda kembali ke halaman ini lagi dan KLIK SKIP AD sampai menuju ke halaman berikutnya yang gambar sama seperti pada nomor 3)

3. Setelah halaman sama (seperti gambar). Berikutnya tahan klik kiri sambil drag ke atas sampai muncul Notifikasi.

4. Setelah halaman sama (seperti gambar). Berikutnya klik Block untuk memblokir iklan-nya.

5. Setelah halaman sama (seperti gambar). Berikutnya klik SKIP AD untuk menuju link download.

- Klik shortcut link tujuan download.

2. Setelah tunggu 10 detik dan centang, selanjutnya klik tombol “Click here to continue”

3. Setelah klik “Click here to continue” berikutnya tunggu hingga muncul tombol “Get Link”

4. Klik tombol “Get Link” untuk menuju ke link download.

Download Via Safelink Single Link :
Transformers Revenge of the Fallen | 6.06 GB | : | Link Download |
Download Via Adfly Single Link
Transformers Revenge of the Fallen | 6.06 GB | : | Link Download |
Budayakan Membaca Cara Instal :
1. Sebelum instal pastikan menon-aktifkan antivirus yang terinstal di laptop/PC agar mencegah terjadi-nya “Corrupt” data saat instalasi game. Untuk windows 10 silahkan download “Disable Difender” untuk menon-aktifkan windows defenfer.
2. Setelah mempunyai file game-nya berikutnya “Extract” file gamenya menggunakan WinRar lalu Klik kanan pada file gamenya dan Pilih Extract Here Jika sudah instal WinRar tidak perlu instal lagi langusng di extract saja.
3. Masuk ke dalam folder Transformers – Revenge of the Fallen.
4. klik kanan dan pilih run as administrator pada Transformers2.exe sebagai administrator.
5. Jika Anda mendapatkan error dll yang hilang, masuk ke dalam folder _Redist dan instal dxwebsetup
6. Enjoy & Play (Selamat bermain).
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