A child is hunted through a shadowy forest by masked men. He snags his foot on a branch and falls over, and one of the figures lunges at him, pins him to the ground, and chokes him to death. In another moment the child stumbles into the headlights of a truck and a masked man guns him down with a rifle. Later he’s chased by a pack of snarling dogs who tear him apart in a vicious frenzy.
Inside, the new game from Limbo developer Playdead, is full of these moments of shocking, indifferent, and slightly perverse violence. Even though you know dying means being spirited back to a generously placed checkpoint, the brutality you’re forced to watch when you fail gives your mistakes extra weight. And the fact you’re playing as a young boy, who’s clearly in distress, only heightens how savage it is.
Minimum Requirements :
- Operating System: Windows 7, 8/1, 10 – 64BIT
- Processor: Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 @ 2.4 GHz, AMD FX 8120 @ 3.1 GHz
- Memory: 4GB
- Video Card: Intel HD Graphics / NVIDIA GT 630 / 650m, AMD Radeon HD6570 or equivalent
- Sound Card: DirectX10
- HDD Space: 5GB
Recommended Requirements :
- Operating System: Windows 7, 8/1, 10 – 64BIT
- Processor: Intel i7 920 @ 2.7 GHz, AMD Phenom II 945 @ 3.0 GHz
- Memory: 8GB
- Video Card: NVIDIA GTX 660, Radeon R9-270
- Sound Card: DirectX10
- HDD Space: 5GB
Title | : | Inside |
Genre | : | Action, Adventure, Horror, Platformer, Puzzle |
Edited | : | Playdead |
Publisher | : | Playdead |
Release | : | 8 Jul, 2016 |
File Size | : | 1.4GB |
Download | : | Mediafire | Single Link |
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Note : Matikan Antivirus Anda Sebelum Menginstal Game
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1. Extract
2. Run “setup_inside_10_(16955).exe”
3. Play the game
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