Grounded | Free Easy Download

download game Grounded, The world is a vast, beautiful, and dangerous place – especially when you have been shrunk to the size of an ant. Explore, build and survive together in this first-person, multiplayer, survival adventure. Can you thrive alongside the hordes of giant insects, fighting to survive the perils of the backyard?

Uncover the mysteries while playing through the story!
How did you wind up so small? Who did this to you? How do you go home? These are all answers you will uncover as you play through the story.

Solo or with friends – anytime!
You can face the backyard alone or together, online, with up to three friends. Not only that, but with the Shared Worlds feature, you can continue to play in your shared world even if the original host is not on, with all your progression saving!

Nowhere is safe – not even your base!
Creatures can be found roaming the yard in a multitude of environments, such as the depths of the pond, the caverns of the termite den, and even the sweltering heat found in the sandbox. You can even attract them to different places in the yard by activating the MIX.R devices. However, the more you interfere with the creatures in the yard, the higher the chance that they come knocking at your own door, so you better prepare.

Play true to your playstyle!
Use the in-game customization systems such as Mutations and Milk Molars to activate the bonuses and perks you want for your character. Not only that, but craft and upgrade your armor and weapons to give your character the stats and advantages you need in order to take on the perils of the backyard.

It’s time to go big, or never go home!


Minimum Requirements :

  • Operating System: Windows 7 / 8 / 10 / 11 – 64BIT
  • Processor: Intel Core i3-3225
  • Memory: 4 GB
  • Video Card:NVIDIA GeForce 8600/9600GT, ATI/AMD Radeon HD2600/3600
  • Sound Card: DirectX 11
  • HDD Space: 8GB

Recommended Requirements :

  • Operating System: Windows 7 / 8 / 10 / 11 – 64BIT
  • Processor:   Intel® Core™ i5-4670K @3.4 GHz / AMD FX-8350 @4.0 GHz
  • Memory: 8 GB
  • Video Card: Nvidia GeForce GTX 1080 | AMD Radeon HD 6870
  • Sound Card: DirectX 11
  • HDD Space: 8GB
Info Game
Title : Grounded
Genre : Action, Adventure
Developer : Obsidian Entertainment
Publisher : Xbox Game Studios
Release :
27 Sep, 2022
File Size :  8.1GB
Format : GAME PC
Download : Mediafire | Single Link


Cara download Melewati Via –
  1. Klik shortcut tujuan download, Pilih block dan tunggu 5 detik.

2. Setelah muncul SKIP AD (seperti gambar), pilih block dan klik SKIP AD. (Jika muncul tab baru, anda kembali ke halaman ini lagi dan KLIK SKIP AD sampai menuju ke halaman berikutnya yang gambar sama seperti pada nomor 3)

3. Setelah halaman sama (seperti gambar). Berikutnya tahan klik kiri sambil drag ke atas sampai muncul Notifikasi.

4. Setelah halaman sama (seperti gambar). Berikutnya klik Block untuk memblokir iklan-nya.

5. Setelah halaman sama (seperti gambar). Berikutnya klik SKIP AD untuk menuju link download.

Cara download Melewati Via – Safelink
  1. Klik shortcut link tujuan download.

2. Setelah tunggu 10 detik dan centang, selanjutnya klik tombol “Click here to continue”

3. Setelah klik “Click here to continue” berikutnya tunggu hingga muncul tombol “Get Link”

4. Klik tombol “Get Link” untuk menuju ke link download.


Download Via Safelink Single Link :

Grounded 8.51 GB : Link Download


Download Via Adfly Single Link :

Grounded 8.51 GB : Link Download


Downlaod Driver Game :

Game Driver (Directx & VC++) 249MB Download Adfly | Safelink
Disable Defender (Win10) 472KB Download Adfly | Safelink
Virtual Clone 1MB Download Adfly | Safelink

Budayakan Membaca Cara Instal :

Cara Instal Game Grounded:
1. Sebelum instal pastikan menon-aktifkan antivirus yang terinstal di laptop/PC agar mencegah terjadi-nya “Corrupt” data saat instalasi game. Untuk windows 10 silahkan download “Disable Difender” untuk menon-aktifkan windows defenfer.

2. Setelah mempunyai file game-nya berikutnya “Extract” file gamenya menggunakan WinRar lalu Klik kanan pada file gamenya dan Pilih Extract Here Jika sudah instal WinRar tidak perlu instal lagi langusng di extract saja.

3. Setalah di extract format file gamenya ISO, untuk membuka file .iso di windows 10/11 – klik kanan pada file game yang berformat .iso dan pilih “Open With” dan pilih “Windows Explorer”. Untuk windows 7 perlu menggunakan aplikasi “Virtual Clone” untuk membuka file .iso (instal aplikasi “Virtual Clone” dan “Open With” pada file game dan pilih “Virtual Clone Drive”).

4. Setelah drive baru muncul, Open Setup.exe dan install (cara instal hanya klik next dan pilih lokasi penyimpanan game-nya lalu klik next dan tinggal tunggu proses instalasi game).

5. Enjoy & Play (Selamat bermain).


Video Cara Mengubah Stik Biasa Jadi Xbox360
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Bang ini solo ya? atau udah bisa online bang?