Alan Wake American Nightmare | Free Easy Download

The plot of American Nightmare is framed by the narration of an episode of the fictional TV show, Night Springs, which follows the style of The Twilight Zone and appeared on television screens throughout the original Alan Wake. The episode is displayed on a TV screen in the hotel room of Barry Wheeler, Alan’s friend and former agent. The narration explains that Alan is attempting to chase down the “herald of darkness”, Mr. Scratch, who is Alan’s evil doppelganger created by a dark force. Scratch is determined to take away everything Alan loves, including his wife, Alice. Alan, as the “champion of light,” has the ability to rewrite reality, and was able to write his escape from Cauldron Lake in Washington. He ends up near the small town of Night Springs, Arizona, and learns that he has been missing from the real world for nearly two years.

A nearby oil derrick erupts with hordes of Taken controlled by Mr. Scratch. Seeking light, Alan runs to a nearby motel, where he encounters Emma Sloan, who at first thinks he is Mr. Scratch, since they look identical. She tells Alan that Scratch was at the motel the night before, and provides Alan with a typewritten page, a way to alter reality to destroy the derrick and stop the Taken. Alan follows its instructions and alters the scene by the oil derrick, which causes a meteor to collide with an artificial satellite, sending it hurtling towards the Earth, where it then collides with the oil derrick. While Alan is away performing this task, the dark forces consume Emma.

Minimum Requirements :

  • Operating System: Windows 7, 8/1, 10 – 64BIT
  • Processor: 2GHz Dual Core processor or later.
  • Memory:2GB
  • Video Card:  GeForce 8800 GT or Radeon HD 2900 Pro / Intel HD Graphics
  • Sound Card: DirectX 10 compatible
  • HDD Space: 3GB

Recommended Requirements :

  • Operating System: Windows 7, 8/1, 10 – 64BIT
  • Processor: Intel i3-3220/AMD A10-5700
  • Memory: 4GB
  • Video Card: GeForce GTX 275 or Radeon HD 4870 /
  • Intel HD Graphics
  • Sound Card: DirectX 10 compatible
  • HDD Space:3GB
Info Game Alan Wake American Nightmare
Title : Alan Wake American Nightmare
Genre : Action, Shooter, Horror
Developer : Sam Lake
Publisher : Microsoft Studios
Release : 29 June 2012
File Size : 1GB
Download : Mediafire | Single Link
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4. Klik tombol “Get Link” untuk menuju ke link download.


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