Download Free One Piece Odyssey , A new RPG from the hugely popular manga and anime series ONE PIECE, commemorating the 25th anniversary of the series!
The famed pirate, Monkey.D.Luffy, better known as Straw Hat Luffy, and his Straw Hat Crew, are sailing across the New World in search of the next island and the next adventure that awaits them. But during their voyage they are caught in a storm and shipwrecked. They find themselves washed up on a lush tropical island surrounded by constantly raging storms…
Separated from his crew, Luffy sets off on a grand, new adventure to find his friends and escape the island!
Dangerous new enemies, terrifying forces of nature, and more await them!
Play as various members of the Straw Hat Crew in a classic RPG set in the world of the popular ONE PIECE anime!
Minimum Requirements :
- Operating System: Windows 7 / 8 / 10 / 11 – 64BIT
- Processor: Intel Core i5-4460 (3.40 GHz) or better; Quad-core or better
- Memory: 8 GB
- Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 650 (2GB) or better (DirectX 11 card Required)
- Sound Card: DirectX 11
- HDD Space: 25GB
Recommended Requirements :
- Operating System: Windows 7 / 8 / 10 / 11 – 64BIT
- Processor: Intel Core i7-4790 (3.60GHz) or better; Quad-core or better
- Memory: 8 GB
- Video Card: Nvidia GeForce GTX 1080 | AMD Radeon HD 6870
- Sound Card: DirectX 11
- HDD Space: 25GB
Title | : | One Piece Odyssey Deluxe Edition |
Genre | : | Action, Adventure, Casual, RPG |
Developer | : | ILCA, Inc. |
Publisher | : | BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment |
Release | : | 13 Jan, 2023 |
File Size | : | 28.58 G |
Format | : | GAME PC |
Download | : | Mediafire | Part Link |
- Klik shortcut tujuan download, Pilih block dan tunggu 5 detik.

2. Setelah muncul SKIP AD (seperti gambar), pilih block dan klik SKIP AD. (Jika muncul tab baru, anda kembali ke halaman ini lagi dan KLIK SKIP AD sampai menuju ke halaman berikutnya yang gambar sama seperti pada nomor 3)

3. Setelah halaman sama (seperti gambar). Berikutnya tahan klik kiri sambil drag ke atas sampai muncul Notifikasi.

4. Setelah halaman sama (seperti gambar). Berikutnya klik Block untuk memblokir iklan-nya.

5. Setelah halaman sama (seperti gambar). Berikutnya klik SKIP AD untuk menuju link download.

- Klik shortcut link tujuan download.

2. Setelah tunggu 10 detik dan centang, selanjutnya klik tombol “Click here to continue”

3. Setelah klik “Click here to continue” berikutnya tunggu hingga muncul tombol “Get Link”

4. Klik tombol “Get Link” untuk menuju ke link download.

Download Via Safelink Single Link :
Part 1 | 5 GB | : | Link Download |
Part 2 | 5 GB | : | Link Download |
Part 3 | 5 GB | : | Link Download |
Part 4 | 5 GB | : | Link Download |
Part 5 | 5 GB | : | Link Download |
Part 6 | 3.60 GB | : | Link Download |
Download Via Adfly Single Link
Part 1 | 5 GB | : | Link Download |
Part 2 | 5 GB | : | Link Download |
Part 3 | 5 GB | : | Link Download |
Part 4 | 5 GB | : | Link Download |
Part 5 | 5 GB | : | Link Download |
Part 6 | 3.60 GB | : | Link Download |
Budayakan Membaca Cara Instal :
1. Sebelum instal pastikan menon-aktifkan antivirus yang terinstal di laptop/PC agar mencegah terjadi-nya “Corrupt” data saat instalasi game. Untuk windows 10 silahkan download “Disable Difender” untuk menon-aktifkan windows defenfer.
2. Setelah mempunyai file game-nya berikutnya “Extract” file gamenya menggunakan WinRar lalu Klik kanan pada file gamenya dan Pilih Extract Here Jika sudah instal WinRar tidak perlu instal lagi langusng di extract saja.
3. Setalah di extract format file gamenya ISO, untuk membuka file .iso di windows 10/11 – klik kanan pada file game yang berformat .iso dan pilih “Open With” dan pilih “Windows Explorer”. Untuk windows 7 perlu menggunakan aplikasi “Virtual Clone” untuk membuka file .iso (instal aplikasi “Virtual Clone” dan “Open With” pada file game dan pilih “Virtual Clone Drive”).
4. Setelah drive baru muncul, Open Setup.exe dan install (cara instal hanya klik next dan pilih lokasi penyimpanan game-nya lalu klik next dan tinggal tunggu proses instalasi game).
6. Enjoy, Selamat Bermain.
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