Windows 10 Pro 2022 is a professional and powerful Windows operating system developed by Microsoft Corporations which comes loaded with advanced tools and amazing features offering a more efficient and flexible workflow. It is a comprehensive OS that provides professional users with a wide range of useful tools, features, and services to run your system flawlessly.It is a powerful OS that permanently activates your Windows on your system and keeps it running with all its resources. It is a multi-purpose and widely used OS to help you design, develop and process various types of projects such as School, Engineers, Office, and more. It also offers loads of fixes and enhancements that incredibly improve the work process and give better efficiency.The program offers a simple and intuitive interface allowing the users to install their desired applications without any difficulty.It also includes a fully-functional Start Menu that can easily be accessed by right-clicking the Start button. Also, the installation of the OS is pretty straightforward, you can simply create a bootable USB with the OS in it and boot it from Boot options and start installation.
Recommended Requirements :
- Processor : 1 gigahertz (GHz) or faster processor or SoC
- RAM : 2 gigabyte (GB) for 32-bit or 2 GB for 64-bit
- Storege HDD : 16 GB for 32-bit OS or 20 GB for 64-bit OS
- Graphics card : DirectX 9 or later with WDDM 1.0 driver
- Display : 800 x 600
Format | : | OS (Operating System) |
Download | : | Mediafire |
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2. Setelah tunggu 10 detik dan centang, selanjutnya klik tombol “Click here to continue”

3. Setelah klik “Click here to continue” berikutnya tunggu hingga muncul tombol “Get Link”

4. Klik tombol “Get Link” untuk menuju ke link download.

Downlaod Windows 10 Pro 2022
Windows 10 Pro 2022 (4 GB) | : | Download Via Adfly | |
Windows 10 Pro 2022 (4 GB) | : | Download Via Safelink | |
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